Monday, May 28, 2012

Leash Me UP and Lets GO!

Mr. Steve from Puget Sound Puppers walks me
So I was wondering and asking you all.  Why is your beloved four legged friend off his/her leash while you are out and about?  You can be the best, most respected trainer or owner that thinks you have mastered 'all' commands over your dog and that no squirrel, stray noise, bus brake, car honk or cat will distract your best friend?  Wrong are putting your animal in dangers way.  I walk a lot of breeds from this little Coton in the heart of downtown Seattle to border Collie's to Samoyed's to a Pit bull and I see you all with dogs off leash thinking you have it mastered.  Wrong again Jackass.

We are off leash 'cause we are home.
The other week I took my family of two of three dogs to a Port of Seattle park for a walk and as soon as my lab saw the water he went berserk, but it was an on leash park so I was hesitant to let him and my golden go, go, go - yes with nobody around  I made it to the water and let 'em go but was still was nervous about a stray noise or such to change there focus. I was at the same park and an owner was running his dog in the water and as I saw them I leashed up mine to avoid any potential...READ IT 'POTENTIAL' conflict and off we went without 'POTENTIAL' conflict.  Recently a dog was hit by a bus in Wallingford which was tragic and it received a lot of conversation on the wally blog, yet, the end result was that the dog was off leash.  When I walk I don't turn blind corners without looking, I am the first to cross over the street to avoid 'POTENTIAL' conflict so my pups and my client's pups can enjoy the time we have together.  At home of course off leash, fenced yard, of course off leash, dog park of course off the River of course off leash after you hit the trail.  On 81st and Fremont Avenue NO!. don't know how your buddy is going to react as much as you would like to think you leash up.  There is great leash training on the web and of course you can always employ the advise of Trainer Wesley Hawkins at so you and your four legged buddy can have years of great walks, smells, pees and poos.  Change your thinking that a leash is a burden, it can be a dogs best friend because it means its time to play!  Check out the article on and you will be more of a master on leash than off.  Oh, by the way I didn't really mean to call you a 'Jackass.'

This Park is Awesome.  No Leash.
Happy Walking from the Paw Walker!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Dogwalker Diaries: Paw Walker Endorsements

Dogwalker Diaries: Paw Walker Endorsements: Isabella's owner is the paw walker I was thinking (scary) and talking to a friend yesterday he said, "You sure know a lot about dogs."  ...

Paw Walker Endorsements

Isabella's owner is the paw walker
I was thinking (scary) and talking to a friend yesterday he said, "You sure know a lot about dogs."  Hell, yes, you walk them five days a week plus your own and work in a pet store you pick up a few things.  The jist of the conversation was that there is so many sites, opinions and places to go concerning your canine upbringing it gets overwhelming.  So unlike Tiger Woods getting payment for endorsing products, this poor SOB is giving out free help.  I have encountered so many breeds, breeders, trainers, owners, product reps and such that I would like to share a few that I know work from pure experience.

Leashes - The essential of controlling and socializing your dog(s) this is an underestimated piece.  Look, I have 8 clients many with multiple members in the family and each one has a different leash.  Honestly some work, some take getting used to.  My favorite?  Krebs Recycled Leashes made from old climbing ropes.  If some guy can hang off a cliff 1,000 feet with only the rope between him and the ground I bet the owner can benefit from the next squirrel lunge.  These are awesome in durability, ease on the wrist and the most chew proof as chewing can get.  Check out krebs products at  Pay the extra coin it will be worth it.  Note:  For smaller dogs the Kreb is going to be a little over kill, but for most breeds from 30lbs up this is the bomb.

Harness vs Collar?  Collar is for show.  Harness is for Go!  Seriously, have you seen work horses pulling carts with a collar?  No.  A harness.  Why dogs?  No neck and throat strain.  Most dogs are going to be restrained, whether walking or tied up and every tug and pull puts pressure on these areas.  Especially in puppy training where your buddy is bouncing all over the sidewalk smelling new smells and learning how to be a good walker.  The best, and in my opinion, is the Wonder Walker - made right in the Wallingford neighborhood in Seattle.  Paws down this is the best!  And since they are local they can make repairs and adjustments in days.  In my experience, the dog learns faster than the owner. Check out the video on You Tube and the products at  Even if you skip the Wonder Walker,  find a harness and find one with out a 'martingale' ring.

Toys and training.  KONG, KONG, KONG, did I say KONG?  Nothing is indestructible, yet the Kong outlast them all and the great thing is you can use their products so many ways.  A toy, a training device etc. Dog trainer Wesley Hawkins of Seattle recently gave an in store demonstration entitled 50 ways to leave your Kong - yes really fifty ways.  You can get info from him at and check out for a list of products.

Treats.  Diggins for your Dog produces Doggie Crack (metaphor) in Charki Puffs.  99 out of 100 dogs go nuts over the all natural, no preservative Beef Lung & Beef Liver.  Charki is a word developed in the 16th Century meaning jerky.  It is all natural beef liver and beef lung made in Nevada USA

Resources.  Google 'Dog Training' and prepare for the onslaught.  The most comprehensive and authoritative site is started by dog guru Ian Dunbar.

You can find all these great items at Wally Pets and Supplies in Wallingford and at your local store.

Ha!  the Paw Walker received no financial kickbacks for his product endorsements -  only given from first hand experience passed on to our two legged owners for their four legged buddies and a fun, safe coexistence.

Next Post..."Why is your dog off its leash and the when and where it is appropriate."

Don't forget to support the local guy!

The Paw Walker walks me.  He works for Puget Sound Puppers
Thanks for reading - woof woof

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I'm Not a Puppy Anymore

We luv it that our dad is dog walker
So many people ask me in passing what I do?  I give them the elevator pitch..."I walk dogs." then they look at me all confused and respond.  "Oh cool that must be fun.  What do you do for a living?"

"Hey dumb ass, this is my living." 

"Oh jeez," I think.  "Here we go again."  I spent many years telling people I was a waiter, a bartender, a restaurant manager and got the same response. 

In 2008 I quit my lucrative position at a world-renowned hospitality organization and hit the pavement right when unemployment was at its highest.  I dabbled in consulting, contract work and unemployment like a stray dog in the back alley way...sniffing dumbsters for that discarded rib bone.  I was in survival mode.  Then I hit pay dirt and now am in driving mode.  Yes, this is not (yet) a lucrative venture, but (and I am not giving away my secrets) can be.  I may not have cable, but I love my job.

You get up in the morning dreading the commute to your little cubicle and computer screen waiting for the half hour lunch break. I show up at your house on time, in shorts or jeans, walking shoes all decked out like one just came out of an LL Bean catalog.  Training treats in one pocket, cell phone, sets of keys in another, note pad and pen and of course the walkers best friend...Poo Bags! I'm ready to take your dear four legged precious (like it was another child) friend on a stroll.  All the while you are sweating in the cubicle worrying how Fido is doing all cooped up in his/her crate - I give you a sense of relief and I give your dog smiles and exercise.  Plus my cubicle is the entire outdoors.  Uh yes, the Weather Channel on my phone is a good friend.

Walking dogs is a profession like any other.  There are the fly by night amateurs, there are the neighbors daughter getting some summer work and there are the ones doing this in between the next big novel.  Walking a few dogs for a few bucks on the side.  Then there are the ones who take it seriously like a business and implement solid business practices into being one of the best damn effective dog walkers there is.

Look, this is a $52 Billion a year industry.  I am an extension of the owner.  Think about it.  I walk a dog five times a week for six months that's 120 walks.  Damn right the dog and I are getting to know each other.  I know your dog as well as you know Joe in the cubicle next to you.  I give your canine a lunch break, you and Joe shoot the shit at lunch on the back loading dock.

Joe's having girlfriend problems.  Fido is discharging diarrhea.  Same difference.

Hope your doctor is reading the latest periodicals before he prescribes that prescription and your lawyer on the latest legislation before that court date and you better hope I am reading and checking the twitter account on the latest canine trends in training and behavior.  I'll know your food is on a recall list before you do.  Why?  Because I treat it like a profession.  Plus I work in a pet store too which helps.

So, as I carry around my hand recorder I thought why not share my whimsical, serious, humorous, insightful experiences as a dog walker.  Ya never know, I might be walking your canine buddy soon.

Look Mom & Dad I am not a puppy anymore!